Package-level declarations


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class Lexer(ignorePattern: Regex = Regex("""\s+"""), singleLineComments: Regex? = null, multilineComments: Pair<Regex, Regex>? = null, identifiers: Regex = Regex("""[a-zA-Z_]\w*"""), hardKeywords: Set<String> = emptySet(), operators: Set<String> = emptySet(), separators: Set<String> = emptySet(), literals: Literals = Literals())

The lexer is responsible to convert the given string into a stream of Tokens. The lexer take in multiple settings that configure how it behaves. It will perform lexical analysis on a line-by-line basis and return the next unconsumed token. A newline character is always separates a token.

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class Literals(integerLiteral: Regex? = Regex("""[-+]?[0-9_]+"""), floatingLiteral: Regex? = Regex("""[-+]?[0-9_]*\.[0-9_]+(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9_]+)?"""), singleLineString: Set<String> = setOf("\"", "\'"), escapeSequences: List<Pair<Regex, (String) -> Char>> = emptyList())

A configuration class to lex literals. There are only three types of literals the lexer manages.